Sunday, November 20, 2016

We had a Drunk Houseguest and happened upon this **BlackLight Horror

Years ago, we had a houseguest that was good friends with my oldest son.  They were in the early twenties and had been out drinking... called me from the restaurant to drunk to drive, so I went and picked them both up and brought them to my house.

I had know my sons friend since he was a little boy, and so I let him stay in my then 8yr old sons room. My 8yr slept in my room that night, and my oldest son slept on the couch.

Morning came... my drunk company was awake and I took them to their cars and they went on their merry way!

So... I was in my sons room cleaning and behind his door used to be a 7ft cardboard Barney.  A Cardboard standee from a movie theater.(I used to work for a company that put the huge cardboard movie standees you see at the movie theater)

Barney had stood behind that door for many many years... Innocent

But, for some reason my drunk houseguest found Barney very attractive that night. I just happened to be dusting Barney off, and noticed he had a goo on him.  Not just a little goo.. but the GOO was everywhere.

Thankfully time had  passed, and it was a dry goo!

Barney died a little inside that day.... And we took him out and burned him in the burn barrel in our yard.

I scrubbed the carpet, the molding over which Barney had stood, and scrubbed the wall too.  I actually repainted the wall and sanded the molding down because the good had penetrated the wood and was not coming up.

I thought I had done a fantastic job, but then, this Black Light came into our lives and although I had bought it to check on my rescue pup, I found this!

**Thankfully my rescue pup did not go on a peeing spree when he first came to live with us!

I do not know why I did not think about scrubbing down the back of the door???  I guess I thought he only had eyes for Barney!

My now 16yr old son was appalled!  Yes!  This happened years ago!!  Who would have thought that the bodily fluids would last this long??  I had steam cleaned the carpet there, but NO it is still in the carpet!  Sanded the wood molding!   But the bodily fluids must have seeped deep into the wood... its permanent!

The back of the door, which looks like a warzone???  Well we think back to all the clothes I have hung behind the door through the years.  After a shower?  Hung his towel over the door to dry UGHHHHH!

When I'd wash his blanket, Id hang it over his door to dry!  All these years wet things have touched the back of this door!


I had to go into clean this door... in full Zombie gear!

All this said and done, if ever you want to see if you or your cleaning lady is doing a good job of cleaning your bathroom, this little black light will show you any fluids that have been missed!

It actually came in handy when I was cleaning my elderly parents bathroom.  I was able to see all Oppsies, and clean them thoroughly.

I bought this one:

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