Sunday, November 6, 2016

Children Art Frame

This Children's Art Frame is a great idea!!  It acts as a storage container for your children's art projects as you display their current masterpiece!!

I have tons of files filled with art from years past, but I would have loved having this to store each years art pieces.  For me, I store his art in years.  So, with this Children's Art Frame, you could store the years projects in the unit, and when the new year starts, file them and start fresh.

Its a really beautiful frame, and it comes with a mat for framing your art.  The Plexiglas has a plastic coating on each side that needs to be peeled off.. IF you do not peel it off, the glass is going to look cloudy.  This coating protects the Plexiglas and keeps it scratch free.

The Plexiglas slides into the frame via a channel and the same with the art.  Stored art fits under the channel and depending on the media, I'm guessing you could store about 40 projects.

The Children's art frame comes with screws and molly's for hanging.  I recommend using the molly's if your not screwing into a beam, as the unit could get heavy and pull down on the screws.  The molly gives the screw a stronger base to hold onto.

The company has really good customer service!  I personally never had to contact them, but after you order, they send you several emails explaining your purchase, and I personally call these Welcome Emails.

You can buy me here:

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